Counter Bias Training



WSU researchers have developed a Counter Bias Training, specifically designed to help police officers override implicit racial bias in their decisions to shoot.  In face of recent events that have led to a damaged police-community relationship this training will have a meaningful impact nationwide.  The researchers tested police officers (110) and civilians (78) in strikingly realistic deadly-force simulators. The study findings indicate that  despite clear evidence of implicit bias against Black suspects, officers and civilians were slower to shoot armed Black suspects than armed White suspects. In addition, study participants were less likely to shoot unarmed Black suspects as compared to unarmed White suspects.  These findings challenge the assumption that implicit racial bias affects police behavior in deadly encounters with Black suspects and questions the impact that implicit bias training will have on racially motivated decisions to shoot.


Applications and Advantages

1.       Counter bias training developed by WSU researchers differs from existing training because it target behavioral biases instead of implicit biases.

2.       It is highly interactive and engaging training.


WSU researcher

Research conducted by Dr. Lois James has been featured on CNN and in the New York Times


Learn More

Karin Biggs
Technology Licensing Associate
Washington State University
(509) 335-3553
Reference No: 1584


Lois James

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