Deactivation-free Electrochemical Oxygen Evolution Activity of Topological Weyl Semimetal Co3In2S2
Unmet Need: Necessity of robust and efficient electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction for sustainable energy solution
Sustainable oxygen production for medical and industrial applications is one of the prime aims of modern civilization. WSU researchers found an efficient and surprising electrochemical performance of Weyl semimetal Co3In2S2 in its...
Published: 12/4/2024
Inventor(s): Jeffrey Bell, Anjaiah Sheelam
Keywords(s): Catalysis for Energy, Catalyst, oxygen evolution reaction
One-step one-pot synthesis of aliphatic amine and nitriles
Unmet Need: Single-step synthesis of aliphatic amine and nitriles With a growing market of high-quality surfactant and emulsifiers, global demand for amine and nitriles is growing rapidly. Traditionally, aliphatic amine are synthesized in multi-step process that treat feeds of multiple components like alcohols, olefin, nitriles etc. Current synthesis...
Published: 10/8/2024
Inventor(s): Hafsa Karroum, Norbert Kruse, Viacheslav Iablokov
Keywords(s): Catalyst
Renewable Energy Storage via Efficient Reversible Hydrogenation of Piperidine captured Carbon Dioxide
Unmet Need: Using heterogeneous catalysts for hydrogen storageThe worldwide installed solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy capacity have surged exponentially for the past decades.1 However, renewable power generation is highly intermittent and seasonal, resulting in serious issues including grid capacity/stability, curtailment, and supply/demand...
Published: 10/8/2024
Inventor(s): Hongfei Lin
Keywords(s): Carbon Dioxide, Catalyst, Hydrogen