Search Results - vikram+yadama

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Wood-Based prepreg for downstream production of composite laminates
Unmet Need: Need for biobased prepreg There has been a rapid growth in research and innovation in the natural fiber composites (NFCs) as part of reducing environmental impact. NFCs are renewable, lightweight, energy efficient, and environmentally friendly. Glass/carbon fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP/CFRP) are mostly used in modern aircraft structures....
Published: 5/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Vikram Yadama, Lloyd Smith, Mostafa Mohammadabadi, Avishek Chanda, Muhammad Khusairy Bakri
Keywords(s): Advanced Materials, biobased materials, composites
Production of composite wood-strand panels for construction applications
Unmet Need: Enhanced performance and longevity of construction wood A challenge with current thin, wood-based construction panels is their performance and longevity when exposed to high moisture environments. Moisture infiltration and accumulation over time, poor maintenance, window and roof leaks, or condensation and plumbing leaks can render these...
Published: 4/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Vikram Yadama, Matthew Aro, Ruben Jerves
Keywords(s): Thermal modification of wood, Thin wood-strand laminated panels