Search Results - water+splitting

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A Durable Ni-Sn Aerogel Catalyst for Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) in Water Splitting
Unmet Need: Abundant and low cost catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Accommodating the surplus energy from off-peak hours and intermittent electricity from non-dispatchable renewable energy requires efficient energy storage and conversion devices. One of the most promising solutions is to directly convert electricity into hydrogen fuel via water...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yuehe Lin, Dan Du, Hangyu Tian
Keywords(s): Catalysis for Energy, Clean Tech, Water Splitting
Low Cost and High Performance Transition-Metal-Based Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting
Unmet Need : Accommodating the unpredictable and intermittent nature of renewable energy requires efficient energy storage and conversion devices. One of the most promising solutions is to convert renewably generated electricity into fuels, such as hydrogen, methane, and ethanol. Electrolysis of water is considered an easy and clean method to obtain...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yuehe Lin, Chengzhou Zhu, Shaofang Fu, Dan Du
Keywords(s): amorphous catalyst, NiFe alloys, oxygen evolution reaction, porous nanostructures, Water Splitting