Separation and Extreme Size-focusing of Nanoparticles Through Nanochannels Based on Controlled Electrophoritic pH Manipulation


Extreme size-focusing of nanoparticles, for instance, enables systemic studies of their physical properties, such as emission, absorption, photoelectric conversion, and photothermal conversion. This WSU invention relates to nanoparticle separation strategies based on pH manipulation in nanofluidic channels by surface charge control and controlled electrolysis. Flow control and focus molecules in nanochannels are shown to be easier with lower electric field and small amount of samples. This separation strategy has wide applications in many areas of science, including photonics, biomedical imaging, etc.

Applications and Advantages

§  Setup versatile enough to separate other charged molecules (e.g. proteins);

§  Requires small amount of sample;

§  Higher sensitivity and greater reproducibility;

IP Status 

US patent application(s) pending

Learn More

Scott Steiger
Associate Director
Washington State University
(509) 335-7065
Reference No: 1062-U2RF-OC


Cornelius Ivory
Danny Bottenus
Sang Han
Oh You-Jin

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