Splatt Collaboration Table
Unmet Need: Tested and Flexible Collaboration Furniture
Available tables for office and educational environments provide limited flexibility to accommodate various group sizes and dynamics to encourage collaborative creativity.
This Technology: Splatt Table
A multi-disciplinary team designed petal and pocket configuration, revising proportions over...
Published: 10/8/2024
Inventor(s): Robert Krikac, Sarah Rosenthal, Shannon Spilker, Kris Kha, Jonathan Manwaring, Lisa Johnson-Shull, Reza Safavi
Keywords(s): Communication, Education, Interior Design, Product Design
Interactive Therapeutic Booth with Real-time Emotional Monitoring to Improve Mental Health and Well-being
Challenge: Automated emotional recognition and environmental adaptation
Mental health challenges such as post-traumatic stress, autism spectrum disorders, and aging-related cognitive decline are difficult to treat, and access to trained therapists is limited. Existing sleep and meditation pods can sooth healthy individuals, but are not capable of...
Published: 10/8/2024
Inventor(s): Mona Ghandi
Keywords(s): Applied Technologies, Electrical/Electronics, Empathetic therapeutics, Flexible sensor, Health and Fitness, Interactive Architecture, Interior Design, Internet of things (IoT), Machine Learning, Therapeutic Responsiveness, Wearable sensing technology